Media and information literacy as expression of freedom ofSpeech/expression
Media and Information Literacy is as expression of freedom of speech/expression because it is a desire to express our feeling. This is the way to know each other's opinions. Because that is the role of Media and information literacy to our everyday lives to express each other’s feeling. Through Media and Information Literacy we can give information and share our feeling and opinion to others. So it is our freedom to speak as a human. So as a human we can contribute so many things in Media and information literacy. But there’s also advantage and disadvantage in expressing our opinion and feeling. The advantage of this is that you are free to post your feelings or emotions to the social media but nowadays there are so many people or netizens who will criticize or judge you about to your posted. These are some Advantages in of Media of Information Literacy. You can report the harassments that are you’ve seen posted through social media. You can share news that is truly happened around your country to make your countrymen updated. You can share and retweet those offensive happenings around social media to spread the news to inform the local government about it. You can ask help to donate when the disaster will happen. And the disadvantage of this is that they are free to express what is happening and it is easy for them spread of false information or lies information. And also you can give some information but some people is the grabbing the opportunity to do bad thing.
“Information can change the way we see the world around us.” By that article sometimes we can hurt the feeling of other because sometimes we can give wrong information which can hurt their feeling and can change their reputation as well. But there's no one can build a story if nobody finds it. But most in social media are facts because if they post false information they will also be destroyed. Media and Information Literacy can give people the opportunity to speak their mind and give their opinions of what they think should happen. And if you think that posting your feelings or emotions is good for you so that people can see or know what you feel, post it because it is our freedom, but never forget that being a media literate is the capability or the ability to understand, analyze, criticize, share. And in today’s generation we are free to express our feeling and opinion especially we are under democracy and there is nothing wrong with just telling the truth. And this is the right of individual to express their feeling and opinion about that matter. This is the opportunity to express one’s view and form an opinion on different issues has long been considered an important of as an individual. Freedom of expression does not simply protect individual liberty from state interference. Rather, it protects the individual’s freedom to communicate with others. People can gain an understanding of their surroundings and the wider world by exchanging ideas and information freely with others. People feel more secure and respected by the state if they are able to speak their minds. Through Freedom of Speech/expression this is the fundamental human right. It reinforces all other human rights, allowing society to develop and progress. The ability to express our opinion and speak freely is essential to bring about change in society. Free speech is important for many other reasons. Freedom of speech is not only about your ability to speak but the ability to listen to others and allow other views to be heard. We need to hear other people’s views as well as offering them your opinion. We are going through a time where people don’t want to be on a panel with people they disagree with. But we should feel comfortable being in a room with people who disagree with us as otherwise nothing will change. Freedom of speech is one of the most precious and important as a human. The freedom of speech is defined as the right of a person to express thoughts, ideas, and personal opinions through a desired media without any restrictions unless restriction is necessary such as where exercising the right. The Freedom of Speech as a human right carries with it responsibility and is therefore exercised within certain restrictions enforceable through media. Freedom of expression in the modern world is a characteristic attribute of the social life as it allows people to vent their thoughts and feelings without the fear. Freedom of speech can enhance our self confidence by speak our opinion and feeling. Through that it can easily communicate by others because it easy to express our opinion and feeling. But make it sure in expressing our feeling and opinion that no one harms.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; these rights include freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontier. By that article we have right to say what is our opinion and knows the information that can help to our daily lives. We, humans can contributed so many things in Media and Information Literacy. So, as individual I can contribute to my community or to my country like making blogs and I can share it through social media and etc. As our country is under democracy we should not abuse the given chance by the government to freely express our thoughts, opinion, feeling or ideas. Let's use it to the good and prosperity of the majority. But most of all we should think before we post on social media or social networking websites. We should put in our mind if what we post on social media or social networking websites is helpful or useful to us or to the society and if you will post information we should or it should be the exact information. So therefore, we should think before we act, think before we post, think before we react. So that one hurt.